PO Box 994288, Redding, CA 96099-4288

North Valley Medical Association welcomes all physicians to our 2022 Virtual Grand Rounds!

Join us every Fourth Thursday from 12:15 to 1:15 pm online. Add these dates to your calendar as a reminder. All welcome! CMEs through Enloe Medical Center are to be announced as each VGR goes through the approval process.

We are pleased to represent the medical community of Northern California by connecting information between specialists and primary care physicians in our region and providing insight on advancements in medical specialties. Email Lisa Le at lle@bgmsonline.org with ideas and questions.

Presenters: please confirm with Bridget McBride, Associate Director, Butte-Glenn Medical Society at bmcbride@bgmsonline.org. We need the exact title of your presentation, 3 or 4 sentences describing what participants will learn, and 3 to 5 learning objectives in order for CME to be available.

Please visit our Upcoming Events and save the dates in your calendars!